PTSD Therapy


Do you dread going to bed fearing you’ll feel like you are reliving your post traumatic stress disorder in your sleep? Do you find yourself isolating from friends and family? Are you experiencing anxiety in a way you never have? Do you feel constantly on guard? Jumpy; waiting for the next bad event to occur? It makes sense though, doesn’t it? You know that scary, traumatic things can happen, yet you just want to get past it.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is not a one-size-fits-all concern. At Healing Voices Psychotherapy, we group post traumatic stress disorder into different types; each with its own most effective approach to treatment.

Perhaps you are someone who experienced adverse childhood experiences related to abuse, and neglect which interfered with your developing sense of identity, self-esteem and worthiness. If this describes your experiences you may feel always on edge, have big feelings of shame and powerlessness. You may frequently feel fear of abandonment, depression, or experience emotional flashbacks (with or without imagery). Do you struggle with a sense of safety, identity or self-esteem? Do you experience horribly harsh critical self-talk? Do you have a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), BPD, or Complex PTSD?

Perhaps you are someone who experienced a traumatic event like a house fire, a car accident or other workplace or life trauma. Are you self-isolating, not finding pleasure in things you previously enjoyed? Are you avoiding triggers in your community like avoiding going places where you know you’ll meet people you know who may want to speak to you? Are you experiencing disruptions in your ability to connect with friends and loved ones, and enjoy high quality relationships? Are you having trouble with substance use to cope with the pain?

Or perhaps you work as a First Responder who experienced an occupational injury in the line of duty. Are you experiencing hyper-arousal, hyper-vigilance, nightmares, flashbacks with imagery, depression, anger, emotional outbursts or a sense of being totally shut down? Do you have a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

Regardless of how you experienced post traumatic stress disorder in your life, our therapists are here to help you regain control. Our therapists often hear clients just like you say “If I could just understand what is happening to me, maybe I could figure out what to do”. They, like you, want to find the words to explain what they are experiencing so they can find a way to sleep without fear of nightmares, get through the day without flashbacks, and live their life with greater ease.


Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, described the experience of adverse childhood experiences as an epidemic. If you struggled with adverse childhood experiences like abuse, neglect, assault, terror, violence, divorce, parental alcoholism and mental health problems, you may not have considered how your need for survival interrupted your personal development during your formative years. In the case of post traumatic stress disorder through childhood, the enduring nature of this post traumatic stress disorder can lead to mood challenges like depression, anxiety, panic, dissociation, low self-esteem, and self-blame.

Research says that twenty-two percent of paramedics will develop PTSD, and 1 in 3 First Responders will develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) versus 1 in 5 in the general population. First Responders are twice as likely to suffer from PTSD due to the traumatic events they frequently deal with in executing their duties. Being affected by these types of traumatic events is completely normal.


There are many reasons why you, despite your best efforts, may not have been able to overcome the effects of post traumatic stress disorder. If you experienced adverse childhood experiences you may have heard negative things about yourself so often that these words have, over time, become internalized and seem to be your own sense of yourself rather than another’s perspective. This can cause a huge challenge when trying to heal.

First Responder organizations (whether police, firefighter or paramedic) work under para-military structures that promote being strong and not discussing problems as part of their corporate culture. Despite efforts to destigmatize mental health concerns, this mindset  has still not been completely dissolved. Whether you are a male or female first responder, you may not wish to show your vulnerability nor wish to let your team down. Perhaps you’ve had these feelings. PTSD is a complex concern. Perhaps you’ve tried to treat a symptom, like using a sleeping pill to assist with nightmares) without being able to understand the core issues. Our experienced, skilled, trauma-informed psychotherapists are here to  help you reach success.


PTSD therapy offers you a confidential, safe and private space to learn about PTSD. Our therapists begin by providing evidence-based strategies to assist with relaxation training to  help you reduce hyper-vigilance and hyper-arousal. Our therapists will educate you to have a clear understanding of what PTSD is, how it works and how to overcome it.. In addition, your therapist will listen and guide you towards understanding what you are experiencing, and teach you effective strategies using Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT), imaginal exposure, brief exposure and prolonged exposure therapy to assist you in systematically increasing your resilience and preparing you for your return to work.


Our therapists are always working to get to the core of the issue by helping you understand why your body is in a pattern of over-reaction, how your body’s responses are  adaptive responses to an extreme event or series of events, how your symptoms interact and are currently affecting you. Your therapist will give you an overview of what you will work on, as you work together through the therapy process.


Our therapists use a variety of evidence-based approaches. Among these approaches are  Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) strategies to assist with balancing highly emotional thoughts, Dialectical Behaviour therapy (DBT) to provide mindfulness, emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness distress tolerance strategies, and prolonged exposure (PE) therapy techniques to desensitize the nervous system’s over-firing. Our therapists also use Positive Psychology skills, attachment theory, Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT), and expressive art techniques to assist you to express complex emotions that are hard to put into words. Our therapists use a bio-psycho-social approach to support you through all the facets of your recovery.


Research supports the use of a bio-psycho-social  approach for Post Traumatic Stress risk and recovery. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is considered an effective treatment for helping First Responders to resolve PTSD. Prolonged Exposure (PE) is considered as an internationally utilized Cognitive Behavioural approach and treatment of choice for PTSD related distress as well as general trauma related distress. Prolonged Exposure (PE) is found to be effective in reducing negative, trauma-related thoughts, and depression symptoms.DBT is an evidence-based approach to treat symptoms of PTSD including skills training in mindfulness, and distress tolerance and helping people increase their coping and managing emotions.

Questions and Concerns:

  • We understand your concern, which is why it is important that you know that one of your therapist’s roles is to protect your confidentiality and help you understand the informed consent process. Your therapist will also want you to know that post traumatic stress disorder is common and there is no need for stigma. Your post traumatic stress disorder therapist can assist you in achieving your goals so you can return to your job strongly.

  • Our therapists hear this often, and it might work for you. However, it may take quite a long time because generally the symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) don’t go away on their own. This would mean you’ll struggle much longer than you would need to if you decided to get therapy for your post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). . Going to therapy means you’ll have an experienced post traumatic stress disorder therapist teach you skills, and techniques you can practice on your own so you can get back to living your life with greater ease and fulfillment

  • It is possible someone may think you are weak though it won’t be anyone on your team; especially not anyone who has experienced trauma, adverse childhood experiences, PTSD or an occupational injury themselves. Clients often tell our therapists that co-workers often disclose their own struggles with a previous occupational injury or traumatic event if they hear you are struggling or were with you at the time of the incident.

Begin the Healing Process today!

Through the pandemic many First Responders we supported through PTSD therapy were happy to find a greater openness than they expected, and were happy to find seeking help was seen as a strength that takes bravery and commitment and ultimately will support the team as a whole once you heal from your post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms.

Regardless of how post traumatic stress disorder came into your life, our specialists at Healing Voices Psychotherapy are here to help. Please call our clinic at 705-715-9107 for your free, 15-minute phone or virtual consultation—or click Book Now to set up your first online anxiety therapy session.


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